Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Love is all Around

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We don't decorate for every holiday, but 
Love is All Around 
our loving home, everyday.
(an old post-updated, but still true!)

Kisses abound in the kitchen.


Open Hearts serve...a dish perfect for sharing treats here. 


The back stairs, says it all,  "Home is where the heart is."


My only purchases for Valentine's day this year---two sets of measuring spoons from WorldMarket for my daughters-in-love, 6 vintage Jell-O molds from the 1950s or so for 50 cents each at GoodWill, a Mrs.Fields vintage tin, I will fill with goodies for our Grand.

I will make crispy treats--in the molds with sprinkles---and everyone will feel the love.
Baking here is done with lots of butter, and lots of 


In the living room, the obvious LOVE all around is not always subtle. This statue a gift from my husband when he used to travel for work. The candlestick was a wedding gift from great-great-great-or more family hand-me-down, hallmarked back to the 1700's.


This card from my son. Nothing shows LOVE more than your children growing 
to be caring and thoughtful adults. 


Another fixture of LOVE  in our home, the Jule Haerter from Denmark. 
Though it reflects Christmas, 
to me it means LOVE all year round. 
More family photos are in the living room, all precious to our hearts.

In the hall, a shelf with old toys welcomes all ages. 


A treasured, hand-stitched Raggedy shows off his heart and the sentiment, we are celebrating.


Hard to read, but none the less loving, I Love You!


Long story---my son loved frogs as a little boy, he's transferred that to me---by gifting many over the last 30 some years. I have 'croaking LOVE all around me, several in the main bathroom and 
More than a dozen in the yard. 


In the master bath is a framed Rilke quote about the lesson of LOVE, a gift from a friend. 
I read it every day at least once.


A plaque with hooks, hopefully saying the truth...I try.


The master bedroom is filled with old things. My great grandmother's LOVE of Pansies, 


My mom and dad, and one of her treasured glass baskets.


This odd piece of German unmarked porcelain, a favorite of my mom's filled with feathers from a treasured family trip.


A sweet book, gift from a friend. A quote from inside says it all.
"I never knew how much like heaven this world could be, 
when two people LOVE and live for one another!" Little Women, Amy


Out on my dresser for the month is my heart jewelry and the mermaid piece from Hans Christian Anderson's, Little Mermaid. 

Sadly, In the original tale, the Mermaid sacrifices all for the Prince, who then marries another and she becomes foam on the sea. Hans had a gloomy streak.

Vintage pieces, a pewter Jule Paper Heart, acorns on porcelain set with pearls, a bakelite heart, an 80's contemporary heart, and beaded bracelet from the 90's.


A the cosmetic bag, a gift from my d-in-love and my mom's dresser mirror---a gift of LOVE from my dad. He unloaded an entire train car of cabbages before high school in 1939 to buy this for my mom.


Cupid on a brass lid to a crystal cut glass jar, circa 1880's. I think it was once plated silver, but just totally rubbed off with pollishing.


An old Valentine, I LOVE to use to cover the black TV. 


It's beginning to fade, but I think I will copy the design for a fabric drape over the television. 


My husband's office has an old Grandfather's cup and a plaque from the early 1970's about LOVE
I'm blessed with a real romantic for a husband...he will watch, "Sleepless in Seattle" and the original "An Affair to Remember," with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr  an infinite number of times.
Over the years he has added 'Serendipity', 'High Road to China' and he has the Outlander theme on his phone.


Our engagement dinner, 1967. This is faded. My dress was Barbie pink...the only pink dress I've ever had.


He made this collage for me way back when----all the photos are pre-1985. It hangs in his office. 
I always forget it is in here, and then wonder who all those girls are? OMG they were 'me'.


We will celebrate a 50-year marriage, next year(2018)---really, it's hard to believe. 
Now it was 56 years, last August.


Our extra bedroom, or Grand's room as it is beginning to be called, is filled with antiques, toys, and books.  Here my grandmother watches over all in a photo from the 1990's.
Now it's my artspace/sowing space and the Grand's hiding space when visiting.


This sweet little quote picture was from a friend. It's from the 1920-30's. Two words have faded at the top, You and I.  I LOVE the sentiment and the stylized artwork. The background is metallic gold---seasoned and in the original frame. (Sadly the gifter has passed, and I miss our shares deeply).


The Grand has the Barbie houses in here, toys and her stash of  toy jewelry. Here is one of her creations of beads and "Tangled" Princess in a necklace. I do love how Disney Princesses have become more self-reliant, and not just something to be rescued and possessed. 
That has changed from my childhood.
(Today, 2025, I miss the bits and pieces of childhood, and stickers on every surface in my home...but, LOVE the young lady she is becoming)


Lurking on the shelves, drawers and closets are 
old Valentine's and "I Love You" cards from our lives of over fifty years together. 
Maybe even one or two belonging to a parent or grandparent. 
A sweet bear bank, my mom purchased with LOVE for an unborn grandchild. 


So I don't decorate for Valentine's Day because...

Love is all around our home, everyday.

Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own,

 I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my

 opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use

 photos without linking back to this blog without my

 permission. Thank you for your cooperation, 
Sandi Magle

I will be sharing at these fine Parties!




  1. You have some wonderful and very "Loving" touches. It really looks terrific, Sandi. Apart from the photos, my favorites are the blue and white couple at the top and the heart!

  2. So many memories and emblems of love in your home! Wishing you and your family a lovely Valentine's Day--and blessings throughout the year! My husband and I are coming up on 48 years of marriage.

  3. I did a still life painting in college and used that same blue/white kissing Dutch couple as my focal point! I love making decorative rice krispie treats too; often I just cookie cutters and cut them out while still a tad warm and moldable. Those molds are a great find!

  4. Love really does exist in our keepsakes from experiences with those we love! Sweet thoughts!

    1. Yes, a record of sorts...should be called uncapsulated time capsul. LOL.

  5. How adorable your Sixties pics are!!! And a Love 💝 filled Home is all we ever really need... Dawn the Bohemian

    1. Thanks, we were the bomb in the 60's...last pink dress I ever had.

  6. So many Valentine treasures! I love the heart measuring spoons.

    1. I thought they were adorable, Target I think, they have the best cute stuff for holidays.

  7. I love that mother's love plaque! Such perfect, subtle nods to the month of love. I'm a carpet cleaner by trade and am in people's homes often. I always love seeing ways that people decorate throughout the year!

    1. Aw, thanks...I hadn't decorated for Vday, so I just walked around the house and it was all just there...Hugs, Sandi


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!