Idle hands are the Devil's workshop!
How many times have you heard that---from your mom, grandmother, of those busy-body friends who never stops moving?
Thankfully we have blogging, where we can partake of others' busy-ness! LOL.
Anyway, most of my posts here have been of the outside, the greenhouse, and the yard. Inside not much pretty is going on.
We had planned to purchase new sofas and chairs for the living room, paint, and do an entire refresh. But, when a pandemic strikes, we decided to sit on our funds and concentrate on the yard and garden.
Easter was pretty much non-existent here. I put some bunnies in the ivy tree, stuck the egg ring around my vase, and took a drive and threw a bag of projects out the car window to our grandgirl. She's getting so big and 4 new teeth...I can't wait to hug her and smell her hair.....sigh.
We've had Daffy's for almost 3 weeks now...all over our property. They need to be split--which I will do when they are done blooming to give to my neighbor.
Our bird feeder is just far enough away, it's hard to get a focused photo. We put out different kinds of bird seed, for multiple visitors. This old feeder has two suet containers in it, and is a favorite of woodpeckers and cardinals.
The garden and the peat moss were tilled since this photo---and then dragged, but it has poured rain for three days now---maybe I can show hubbies hard work tomorrow.
I have two rhubarb plants that are just going nuts. Even though we are still on the cold side.
When it is raining, I'm still very busy.
For those of you who remember my doll posts on this blog, I have moved them over to my doll blog: Barbieoldnewgreenredo
I do PG stories with dioramas and a huge cast of characters ---ALWAYS AD-FREE and always safe for kids, how to's, and all sorts of creative stuff.
Since I have become older, I find working on a smaller scale for 'redo's' is really easier on my body. Besides who doesn't have fun 'playing'.
My latest project has been
Maybe it's because i was an only child, but I have never had issues with being alone, or keeping busy.
So, my construction crew did some serious demolition here.
Adding a new floor, atrium, and expanding.
The best laid plans of mice and men!
Richelle was the main designer on this project.
This is the bones that were transformed to this, below.
The bakery(left) was the only shop able to open, because of Covid-19!
I've done several posts on Sindy's Pattiserrie, and even how they bake the goodies. And, how busy they are serving the near north side neighborhood during the pandemic.
Since the shut-down, Salon Jacquie(on the right of the first floor) hasn't opened, but she is ready.
Jacquie and her staff had a meeting the night before the total shutdown...!
I keep reality in my stories. Carefully worded to explain to kids of any age what is going on. I try to keep the stories ethnically diverse, politics and religion free, with a sense of humor.
Life is funny, sometimes! But, certainly not all pink!
Upstairs are two apartments, and a fictitious eight more on the four missing floors above. I haven't even begun to introduce those characters, yet.
The mysterious Diva, Colette and Emilie, who just arrived from Paris, with a very eclectic style. Just what IS their story...we have to wait and see.
Lara, the manager of the BMR Ltd in Chicago, lives in the last small studio apartment. At least she has had time to unpack and catch her breath.
Upstairs Atrium, hall and Elevator.
Please come visit the (Barbie Grand Hotel) now the GrandView located in the near north Chicago area. It's an 1892 refurbished building.
I'm currently working on permanent walls, I did foam core to begin with, but decided, it was worth the time for some removable plywood walls that are strategically hinged. It's a journey and will be one of those projects, never really done.
Just when I was finished, I was already planning the REDO!
The downstairs lobby Atrium...perfect for a visit and coffee, (prior to shutdown).
It's not all rainbows and unicorn farts---!
Here's the working craft room/doll room.
Hubby is finally working on my sink and water during the icky days, otherwise he is in the garage and yard. (Secret to a happy marriage and shutdown---alone time, lol!)
Here's a new storyline, I'm working on. Jacquie's family---since the salon can't open, they are strapped financially, but working together.
I have two work stations....I can set up foldable dioramas here, and also work.
I seldom buy new dolls. But, Ella Fitzgerald is on the desk...she's gorgeous and will have a storyline as Colette's Ma`ma!
Waiting in the wings is Trish and her greenhouse garden center, which will soon be able to open again!
*(Again, I work with current social conditions/weather here in Chicagoland). She has lots of plants and seeds, and just about everything needed for an urban environment!
So, that's why I'm not decorating the crap out of my own home---I have a whole town to take care of. I guess I'm Mayor or City Manager of this near north side neighborhood.
Vickie and Joe's Condo!
Jackie and Craig's blended family, and niece Kimmy (Mom is a nurse afraid of bringing home the virus) so she stays with Uncle Craig and Auntie Jacquie. Cousin Vanessa is helping her mom with the salon's social media campaign.
Vickie's Vintage Boutique, Vickie's is closed putting three people out of work.
The HFIM house where Impoverished Millenials refurbish a Victorian+townhouse as a co-op! Most are working from home, but three are unemployed.
Social distancing isn't easy with 13 in the house!
There were special dates,

and restaurant business meetings.
Even special events---the Oscars!
Mysterious characters? Diva Colette...from Paris?
Before social distancing, backyard fun with the teens.
Great selections at Trish's Blue Sprinkling Can Garden Center!
Sometimes a little history: James A. Baldwin for Black History Month. I do keep an ethnically diverse group of dolls-similar to the make-up of the neighborhoods.
Almost all my dolls are thrift store rescues, as are my buildings, furniture and settings.
Celebrations, they even decorate for holidays, too!
Celebrate their favorite sports teams!
Have pets....
Occasionally a celebrity comes around! This is Barbara Millicent Roberts, owner of BMR ltd. an investment and urban renewal corporation, she turned 60 last year and still going strong.
My gang makes seasonal to a pumpkin farm on a crisp Fall day.
Neighborhood events...the opening of a new business! Alderman and a TV crew.
Cultural visits to the Botanic Gardens!
Remember going on vacation!
Sunning in Costa Rica on an Island.
Zip-Lining !
Working, planning, building! Vickie helps designer Richelle, plan for the new Vickie's Vintage.
Charity events...
Bowling in the Northwoods.
A glamour shot...and
the how-to!
Cooking at home....
Baking is a favorite past-time---my 5 year old grand helped Chelsea make these!
Mysteries...Vickie's 'ghosts'.
What was this all about????
Working from home....please visit my doll blog
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Thank you for visiting, I will try and respond to every question and comment. I will be doing further posts on tutorials for the Hotel and contents.
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Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi