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Anyone can do this Burger Cake! We had a family birthday and the theme was Bob's Burgers, and I volunteered to make a Burger Cake! Since it was for only 9 people, I chose 2- 8"pans, 1-round bowl(pyrex), 1 9"pan(for the brownie) and the cupcake pan for sliders
This is an eight inch wide Burger Cake. But, you can make it as large as the round bottomed baking bowl (for the top) you have. (I used the second largest pyrex bowl from the set) |
For an 8" burger and 10 slider cupcakes, you will need the following:
2 yellow cake mixes-follow directions
1 fudge brownie mix-I skipped the water(just egg and oil) I wanted a chewy firm brownie.
1 package of fondant--I really have to find a recipe from scratch, it's $$$
cocoa mix (for cupcake tops to color)
Red squeeze cookie icing for ketchup
chocolate cake icing for assembly
green and yellow food coloring for fondant.
Trays and deli paper for effect!
Baking: I used baking spray and flour on the bowl, parchment paper rounds in the pans for the layers. Still spray the pans and parchment paper for easy release. Remove layers from the oven to cool on racks as soon as possible, to avoid any sticking.
Cut and level off one 8" baked pan of yellow cake for your base. I work with cold cake, baked the night before. Lightly ice this layer. Take the brownie layer and with your fingers peel off the edges and round them to make a burger like layer. Place on bottom, lightly ice the burger layer.
(You will have one extra yellow layer left over--or use for more cupcake 'sliders' or you could make a double burger with 2-brownie burger layers. I made a lunch counter out of this piece.)
Color and roll your yellowed fondant into a square shape--thin, trim to shape, you want the 'cheese' to be able to drip over the edge. Take your red cookie icing and squeeze all the ketchup you want over the burger and down the edges. I was vigorous because I wanted lots of color.
Take a smaller ball of fondant and color it green with a bit of yellow added. Thoroughly mix, and break off into lots of random chunks and roll between two pieces of parchment until thin. Choose the biggest pieces, rip in half, ruffle the rounded edges into 'lettuce', and place around the edge of your burger.
Place your rounded cake on top after trimming flat on one side. The glass bowl gave the perfect brown finish for a bun top.
The SLIDERS are cupcakes split. The tops were too yellow so I rolled the top surface in cocoa mix, which was the perfect color and delicious. Add, Mini cheese pieces, and lettuce and the ketchup. The burger layer was a gob of chocolate icing swirled around and squished all together.
Served on deli paper in a basket worked perfectly.
I added some printed photos..and signs...
Characters added to the sliders, but this could just as easily been made for a football game desert! Just add goal posts and some helmets on picks.
The sparkler candles were added fun.
Slicing open the cake was gorgeous, we never got photos, as it was eaten very fast.
The brownie layer MAKES this practically bare cake!
The sliders were delicious, too.
AND everything disappeared, so fast!
Just a HUGE BURGER, a birthday
and lots of family Fun!
(We are fortunate almost all are working from home, and being home-schooled, so social distancing, elbow bumps instead of hugs, and even masks were present.)
What's the craziest Cake you ever made?
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