Though my 'Thoughtful Moments' posts are rare...
I honestly am thinking all the time. I have one of those brains that never shuts off, never stops creating, telling stories, evaluating actions. An exception, when I'm gardening.
We have been in a severe drought zone here in NE Illinois. Strips of land surround us that have been ignored by any measurable precipitation since February.
We are serious gardeners---well...not perfectionists, but we love making the world bloom and also feed us! Hubby has worked hard to have hoses and sprinklers hooked up in all parts of the yard.
Hoses are the bane of my photography...but are necessary to make the world green at the moment. Just a month ago, I posted this photo of our pond in the back yard. We had had a cold spell, no rain, and a stalled Spring. What a difference a few weeks makes.
I had just filled the pond...and still had not cleared the winter rubbish away. Daffys were in full bloom, but nothing else. I fertilized, cleared the dead wood away from the rose and since, we have watered on a rotation.
Water the secret to life---produces this even during drought!
This rose went bonkers this year...despite the hot and dry conditions. The birdhouses are full, the weeds are also happy and need to be pulled out...and all seems right with the world.
We have sparrows in the single houses, and teensy canaries in the large condo. The canaries sing all day long, attack the fly bags, and are sweet and industrious.
Serenades from 4:30 am to 9 pm...are normal and apparently their duty.
Bird baths in times of drought are a source of water, your birds need to drink and so do the bees.
I woke one morning to see four sparrows having a coffee klatch under the bedroom window birdbath. Discussing the world events and having a deep long drink to start their day. I try and clear and refill the birdbaths every other day or so.
We are fortunate we have 'free' well water from a very deep well. It's full of calcium and iron, but besides that, very healthy.
The Hollyhocks are just beginning to bloom.
We have multiple bird baths on our property, and multiple bird feeders. The birds seem to love the tiny seeds the most. We have gold finches that feast on thistle seed (Nijer) in the back yard. They never sit still long enough for me to get photos.
Tuesday, after a long day of planting...hubby caught me having a 'Thoughtful Moment' in the hammock while I listened to the birds and the water spilling into the pond.
Thought: This IS the closest thing to BLISS!
Thoughtful Moments #7
Keep water out for your birds, as well as feed. The bees need water, too! A cake or pie pan will do in a pinch!
Persevere on your plants, a deep watering every few days can do wonders.
Don't forget to stop long enough to enjoy it all!
Hugs, Sandi from Midwest Gardening at Old,New,Green,Redo!
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