I wish I had started blogging twenty years ago...then I would have a personal record of the climate changes here in the Midwest.
Years ago, I remember planting the garden in March. Springs have become cold and late.
Last year we had to water the yard in April---unheard of in all my years--a drought in April. We often have had drought years---but it seems to have become the standard for very hot and dry June-September now, besides the dry late Spring.
If we did get rain, it was a deluge and ran off the hard earth instead of soaking in causing even more havoc in an already stressed environment.
I also had a huge influx of readers on old Barbie posts as well as Canning Tomatoes, and Canning Zucchini, and Sweet and Sour Soup, from years past. The sources for these most viewed posts appear to come from Pinterest for anyone interested.
Pandemic not withstanding, we were all anxious to get back out into the real world after our vaccinations. My excursions were very limited: a few lunches, a wedding, a funeral, antiques and thrift stores, and a visit with cousins. Other than immediate family and a handful of friends, I've stayed home like most everyone else. are my TOP TEN posts for last year.(Posts that were original to 2021).
10. Antiquing: I Found my Marbles

This little side-trip was lots of fun, and I'm sure the eye-candy was the reason for the popularity of this post! Still enamored with all the enamelware!
9. Midwest Gardening: Finally Crops and Garden Food

Well, who could resist this scrumptious looking bunch of fresh veggies...!
8. Favorites:Identifying Blue and White Plates

I talked a bit about porcelain marks and sources for English Pottery. I have so many pretty pieces, I can't have them all out at the same time!
7. Midwest Gardening: July and after the Rain

I think gardening was a challenge for so many across the country this year. I show the good and bad of what works and then what doesn't. Our Phlox were outstanding this year, apparently they love the heat, and of course our constant watering!
6. Fall Update and Midwest Gardening: October-Windows, Pumpkins and Minis!

Construction is always an issue. I really didn't really address all the issues we had with this project. It was hot and miserable working on this. Poor hubby had problems with products, so no extra posts. Making something new blend in with a fifty year-old house is always an issue. And it was completed quite late---so no final post. More to come this Spring!
5. When Does Furniture Painting Become an Art?

I ventured out with two cousins to one of their favorite haunts up in Wisconsin. This store was a real hit with readers...and the owners painting of furniture was an art.
What I didn't tell, was how lost I got on the way home----seems Google Maps uses road numbering system, while small communities use local names for 'country roads'. Winding through the 'lakes' district in S.Wisconsin and N.Illinois is not something I will do again.
4. Our Tradition Updated and a Veterans' Program

We had all these deer in our kitchen right before Thanksgiving. The update was a huge hit with readers and with our neighborhood in our Christmas lighting.
3. Midwest Gardening:Snow, Critters and Squirrels

We don't have any pets which is guaranteed successful blog fodder. So, I posted a bit about the critters we have visiting here--the photos of the huge NAKED possum that visited our porch in Fall at night, wrecking havoc with the pumpkins didn't come out...LOL.
2. Midwest Gardening: July 31, 2021

More gardening posts...we really did get a lot done in the yard. Hubby rebuilt the fire pit after this photo and we actually had a pig roast, which I didn't even post---too busy dodging wasps that day to take photos! Nasturtiums are on my always plant list now---they never quit blooming.
1. Midwest Gardening: Our Front Yard and New Plants
Late Spring and Early Summer we all have dreams of a gorgeous garden. Hope springs eternal. These gorgeous hydrangeas never did lift their heads off the ground, and the plants barely grew at all???
Now, what to post in the New Year??? Apparently, I have to continue post gardening, antiques, and also create, repair, and redo!
Hugs to you all, Dear Readers...
May 2022 bring more moderate weather across the country, health, prosperity and happiness for us all!
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All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, unless otherwise designated. Please do not use my photos without permission. I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts, or any products shown or anywhere I shop.
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