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Happy Holidays to All,
We are finally getting it together here, still without snow
but, I just had to share the photos of our yard and our have-to tradition.
Our home sits second in the subdivision, so when you turn in ....there we are,
the Christmas Musical light show.
Remember last year---we purchased these fun guys---here on this POST HERE
They stand guard at Santa's Workshop(the garage), and are securely tied down---or they will walk around the corner of the garage with our windy weather.
Earlier this year, I showed you the re-do of our herd of reindeer. Many had been damaged by a falling tree limb.
Here's Santa---and all nine of the reindeer, pulling the sled.
A view from the house, shows the entire 'mound'.
Greeting our family on Cookie Day-Sunday, will be this great Gingerbread man on the front porch.
We used less lights around the house this year and concentrated on the 'mound'.
The Walkway to the house with a snowman greeting you at the end in our biggest flower pot.
The Mailbox, has some snowflakes that are simply gorgeous and they change colors.
I literally couldn't pull out the green plants because of their root systems, so I left them and added some twigs for the lights to hang from.
In the background, the arbor and my hubby's imaginary hill for the penguins to slide down.
Under the Hawthorn Tree, we have some of our oldest blow mold soldiers.
It's hard to get photos as the lights change with the music, so everything isn't always lit.
Our HUGE Snow Bear blow-up, passed away last year, so hubby found three new ones to place around the yard,
The Reindeer Petting Zoo...this is really cute in person. Our house is a neighborhood walking destination...and the little kids love it!
Another classic Santa...again the bush blinked off!
The white blob is a snowman---that of course blinks off and on too. We really need some snow to hide all the wires.
At the end of the driveway is the elf mail box, and our lampost with a great green wreath.
This is a LOT OF WORK more than 5 days to put up---and we are hoping we can continue the tradition, even though we are deep in our 70's now. But the smiles and waves from the kids and parents in cars are worth it!
What is YOUR
Have-to-do Tradition for the Holidays?!?
Please share in comments, I'd love to hear from you!
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