Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Glimpse of Fall in our Kitchen

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It's been hard to think Fall when your temps are in the high 80's and 90's for the last 6 weeks here in Chicagoland. Actually it has been HOT since the second week in June. 

 I think we had 3 days of 70's last month and no rain for weeks. Today it finally rained. I put a few dried Hydrangeas in my transferware. I may still switch this out when I find my brown cottage pieces.


Right now this container is an old porcelain tea canister I found last summer. It has transfers on all four sides...and in my favorite blue and white.  


I have a few old this and that Fall items,  and this may change later.


This was my cookbook counter in 2022, I try to  coordinate tablecloth in soft fall tones. 


Then the Rex begonia I thought was dead from being chewed on,--but revived when I brought it inside. Bugs and critters have been voracious this year. The one this year is recovering also from being chewed on.


I  love to add something natural, and here are some gourds and mini pumpkins. I only have three pumpkins this year. They just couldn't get going in the heat. Illinois is one of the top producers of pumpkins...I wonder how the crops are this year.

I have a few thrift store Halloween things that will go out soon, not before October 1, though. We have some large Skellies for the yard, which will be fun.


The Mandillas were very happy this summer with the heat, I have 5 to bring in this year. This one is on the end of the cabinet and still in full bloom---and twining away...and a Happiness is Homemade sign. 

Honestly the seasons "HALLOWTHANKMAS"
are so rushed in the stores's crazy. Life flies by and the stores are already loading up for Christmas. UGH!


We have many a gathering here with family all year. We are having Thanksgiving this year, but not much else.


I love Sunflowers...and pulled out a faux bush, now that they are done in the yard. The real ones are left for the birds, upside down Goldfinches are the most fun to watch.


Normally if I serve buffet style off the island. I can't remember what it was like when this kitchen didn't have the island. It functions so well...and this little end I always have something Happy going on! 

Right now it is 'Harvest' for sure. Antique pickling crock, enamel coffee pot, grandmother's crocks a few gourds and peppers for color.


The sink is seldom empty, and here is the basil I need to process for the refrigerator and freezer. I need to buy garlic, olive oil and pine nuts to make pesto, this afternoon.
I still have to dry a huge crop of Sage and Majoram. Also, need to dry the Thyme and Parsley plants.


The busiest place in the kitchen is our coffee station....pumpkin spice is always nice!

Staples, actually some need filling...I don't have a walk-in pantry like some bloggers, but this works for all those essentials.


The workaholic in the kitchen the toaster/convection oven. Use this constantly for two's perfect. Plus throws off less heat in the summer. Now we turn the stove oven on for dinner and taking the chill off.


I'm going to refresh this shelf this week, maybe with some pops of orange and yellow, or I might bring out some transferware. Depends on how much energy I have.

Almost everything is inherited or thrifted in our home.
 I love the hunt and let's face it, old stuff was made to last!


Last bit of clean counter---more our family antique blue jars. My mom-in-law's Kitchen Aide. Love it, except it is so HEAVY! My old mixer went to my kids.


Since my kitchen was clean enough to share and
now I'll go mess it up and making PESTO!

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 Sandi Magle


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