Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Dipping my Toe into Surrealism, or was it a Frog Foot

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Happy September, Im not going to say FALL because 80-90's are not FALL. It isn't pumpkin time at all, my pumpkins are far from orange....and WALLY WORLD is putting out Christmas....Jiminy! 

We did have three lovely 70's days...and got a ton of neglected yard work done, but this is NOT FALL, other than dead flowers, we are as green as we can keep the sprinklers going. After a long, hot, wet summer everything demands water to stay green. The payment for gush-gush growth and greenery.

I'm taking another Mather art class, it's called Creative Mindfulness, an hour online one class a week. They are free and many open to outside of Illinois now.

 Mather Institute for Aging programs

This month of September we xwill be emphasizing Surrealism type art projects.  The Surrealists movement was created by a core of artists in the early 20th century all through the 70-80's. They let their imaginations go and also touched on their own or projected subconscious thoughts. One of the most recognizable Surrealist was Salvador Dali. 

Persistence of Memory Slavador Dali from Steemit

Much of the Surrealist Art is still under copyright, so I'm  not going to continue with anymore examples. 

You can follow the link with this painting and view all his introspective work, which is haunting and beautiful in a wonderfully weird way.

For right now, I find the classes I'm taking as adding an asset to my creative skillset and very relaxing and meditative to begin with. This class always with starts breathing, and then with a prompt and some art history for a quick project in your choice of media. 

Since right now, for health reasons I'm taking it very easy, it's fun to play in a meditative way. 

September Week 1-The Exquisite Corpse the name of this project. 
(First, CLEAR your mind of anything in particular) and we started with a fresh piece of any kind of drawing/craft paper.  Fold in half horizontally, then in half again the same way.  From the folds, make them into an accordion fold, then I taped the edges on the sides down and just view and work on the very top fold. 

Fold one: will be a Head or Top of the drawing,
Fold two: will be the Torso or Middle of the drawing.
Fold three: will be the lower Body or the lower section of the drawing.
Fold four: will be the Feet or Base of the the drawing.

The plan...

I had just viewed the pond that morning, so a goldfish came to mind---as we have had them, but then they are basically there to feed the raccoons, so now we don't. 

But I still think of it as a fish/frog pond.

The point was to do all sections into a complete drawing in 30 minutes or so, so 7-8 minutes a section. You work on each section separate without the other bits showing---using some reference points only when you flip to the next section.

The top section was my pond's goldfish, and I'm a also a 
Pisces, and a Fishmonger's daughter.


Ok...Fish have scales, so the second section became arms holding scales????


I know when you empty your mind and follow unconscious thoughts, it may be a trip down a rabbit hole. We were prompted when to move on...so you don't have much time to ponder. What would a Goldfish weigh?----an enemy bird ? and  a friendly fish---totally???? 

So thinking of Greek scales and LIBRA, weighing the worth of it all. I continued,  the armbands had a St. George cross, I'm Danish so I thought one was a Dannebrog (Danish Flag) the other the Red Cross which ......
...which made me think of wars?

The third section I had started with a skirt for back to school, and Doc Martin boot tops, (my grand's favorite style) but the news from the morning---and they were talking about Gaza. (I erased a swath clean across the skirt) and suddenly it was a Greek or Roman (I know they have nothing to do with Gaza) so a men's skirt and a huge sword, and of course laced sandals and hairy knees.

 Following my erratic thoughts, I dashed off some buildings on the right and a scribble of palm trees on the left.


Already time to move on to the fourth fold. A bit rattled, I was thinking of History---and if we don't know History, (history is wars) we will be doomed to repeat it. 
History to me, means books. But, keeping with the pond and water... again frogs came to mind..(we had two all summer, and now they are in the foliage), so one leg ended with a frog 'foot' on top of floating books. But, the other 'foot' became a boat and on lots of choppy water. 
BOOKS are important...so the whole 'corpse' is standing on history books, but with another foot in a boat ready to float away, no wonder she looks puzzled.


My mind, when it gets going---really gets going. 
I wasn't sure what the circles in the boat might be. Class was almost over----so, we shared our drawings and thought processes and were encouraged to make them as complete as we wanted to. I had a new set of alcohol markers (I love they are square and so easy to hold), so I colored it all in, another 30 minutes or so...this is a process project not a finished product project. So I just went at it.


She's such a harmless goldfish....definitely a she (me?)


The bird on the right is hard to see now, but the fishy(left) is sleeping or is lunch, not sure. For some reason the toga became an unraveling shawl, and the armbands Denmark and the Red Cross? If she is Female---maybe the weighing of enemies/friends.  The arms are one a frogs and one a pink gloved hand with a rock on its finger, then I thought maybe not female? 


Now the skirt wasn't plaid, but the palm trees and buildings show up with sand. The sword is a copy of my swords from the Thief of Bagdad project...in my doll blog---search Thief of Bagdad, to the right


History books, water, boat and for some reason all the circles in the boat are now small froggies? Refugees...going weird again,  Red banners mean they aren't going to war...phew...I don't want to start WWIII. 


Here is is all together, so now I imagine you are confused, but so am I. 

Fun project, could be a great game--finish a section and then pass to the next person. Start as many as you have people...and an egg timer...ha!
From a Crazy Antiquer, gardener, doll collector,  disturbing ARTisT?.. who just
totally dropped off the E
                                                   D  G

Paper used, 60# mixed media sketchbook paper

Pencils, 2B and 4B. 

white art eraser

Markers: 18 count dual tip by 1616 Holdings, inc and available at Five Below online. (I really like the design of these---they are squarish and comfortable to hold in arthritic hands---giving me more control with less force and with little smell.) 

I would love a huge set, but first I'm going to do another post on the markers. I need to do some experiments with them...but they were very inexpensive and really worked well. There was considerable bleed thru on my 60# paper---but I just worked on cardboard as a base.

Until then, stay cool, forget the pumpkins, they are just going to rot in this weather, Sandi

If you enjoyed this post please follow this blog by Blogger or FOLLOW IT which you will find in the upper right hand corner of this page. 

Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

I will be sharing at these fine Parties!

I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. 

Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog 
without my permission. 
Thank you for your cooperation, 



  1. Wow, Sandi, you have made the papers! I was informed that I shouldn't look at your pictures because Google thinks they may be bad for me. I took the big chance and clicked and I didn't disintegrate.. Whew!! What a great experiment and I have to say your etching is wonderful. You are very imaginative and artistic, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the way you executed it..xxoJudy

    1. LOL...nah, it's just your security hashing on Follow it. I'll never post or link anything awful, cause my security doesn't let me even go there. LOL. Thanks for the compliments on my crazy mess going down the rabbit hole...lol. Sandi

  2. It seems sometimes Follow it comes up as 'dangerous', which it really isn't. The more you click on a follow it email...eventually your comp will know it's ok. I can't change that source again...since blogger really isn't 'supported' much either. Thanks on the drawing, we do a bit of meditation...before we start and I just let my mind wander. 7 minutes isn't enough time to overwork your brain, you have to go with your first thoughts...its really interesting though.

  3. Wow, Sandi. You are way deeper than I am but boy, is this very cool! I love how they connected into a person with everything in the right place for the next section. Did they give you a hint or guide on how to do that so it flowed? Its definitely surreal and it is very fun. This looks like such a great exercise for letting go. Love it.

    1. Deep? no, totally just a stream of consciousness, the time crunch helped, they told us to put reference points around the edge so you knew where to put the next parts. Thanks, and a very good exercise for letting go. What it all means, I have no ideas at all.


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!