Monday, July 8, 2024

Easy Pineapple Strawberry Coconut Cake


I was looking for a quick fix for Birthday Cake for the 4th of July. My family isn't partial to frosting and several are fat/dairy sensitive, we are all watching our sweets and can be a challenge for a party.


What could be more refreshing than a Pineapple Strawberry Coconut Cake.


I saw this in the store, and went num...that looks great! Maybe I could adapt this to my crazy family's wants/needs.

I can make cakes from scratch, but when you have other things to do--it becomes last on the list. The night before I followed the directions on this box using corn oil and regular eggs. I'm sure you could use egg/white eggs, following the recommended measurements on the egg goo carton.

In addition,  I ADDED 1 cup of shredded Coconut (you could use sweetened or unsweetened) to the batter and mixed well. I used two large 12" round pans that were spray greased. I baked for roughly 25 minutes for the wider pans at 350 degrees.

The batter still puffed above the pan edge, making  lovely domed cake layers.

Placing the first layer on the plate...I stabbed it with a fork. Since I wasn't using frosting, I thought the strained pineapple juice from the can would be perfect, I probably drizzled 1/3-1/2 cup of juice on the bottom layer. Then I arranged 5 pineapple rings and sliced strawberries filling in the gaps on the layer. 


The top layer was treated the same way with the fruit, only with halved-strawberries with the tops still on for color. I took the last of of the pineapple juice, mixed it with a bit (1/3 cup) powder sugar and a 1/2cup or so of the shredded coconut and mixed this together, thinly spreading across the top and brushing the excess liquid to the edges. I covered and stored in the refrigerator overnight. 

I thought about putting it under the broiler, but all that fresh fruit...might not have worked and it was too hot. 

Goodness it was delicious .....easy, fresh, perfect for hot day and nothing melting or spoiling...and it was almost ALL GONE!!!! Serve with Ice cream or whip topping on the side...and everyone could have some. 


Cake Mix

1 can of pineapple (10) rings, strained and save the juice.

1 pt of washed fresh Strawberries, half sliced round and the rest halved with tops on.

3 eggs or egg substitute equivalent

1 1/2 cups of shredded sweetened coconut

1/4-1/3 cup of powdered sugar

Son and Hubby said this was the best cake ever!!!! 

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I will be sharing at these fine Parties!

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  1. Amazing, love it, and always open for those rushed days to use boxed cake and you have done well with your additions.
    Found your post at A Stroll Through Life: Inspire Me Tuesday. My entries this week are numbered #51+53.
    Please join and share your posts with us

    1. It was fast and I would do it the day before...and just let it stand over night....too nummy, thanks, Sandi

  2. This sounds amazing and very much like summer!

    1. Totally Nummy, and not too sweet without all that frosting. I was so tempted to put a bit of rum in the juice, lol.

  3. Oh my gosh— these are all my favorite flavors in one recipe. Saving this to make later. Thank you for sharing! Looks amazing!


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!