Sunday, January 14, 2024

My Un-decorating Decorating 2024

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I don't have the January blues yet, but I do have the January LAZIES! If that is a word.


I didn't have tons of Christmas to take down this year, really just a few bits and here. The village is staying up as long as it is a snowy wonderland outside, it can stay up. The warm lights are so lovely in the long evenings.


It's no secret we have SNOW in Chicago. After a couple of years with basically nothing, and icky gray, black brown dead stuff, the snow is pretty and cold today.


Decorating---how about a snow shovel, that I was too tired to put away! We are getting old for shoveling snow, the blowers wouldn't take, but we went out twice and with a neighbors help managed to clear our 6 car driveway three times.


 Hubby says there is a drift out there again...which we will ignore and move our cars over, he is off to get SALT again.


Inside I'm picking a bit here and there in the kitchen to clean and refresh. I did some drawers and shelves, but the kitchen is pretty much just everyday. 


I hang on to a bit of red through Valentine's day, and then I will green/Spring-ify a bit. Right now, this is what will stay until we start our seedlings.


I did get a fun new item...a cake cover just like my grandmother's and my hubby's grandmother's. I think my grandmother had little people around hers, but something in the plaid pattern memories

made me have this.


I love that is not in perfect condition and still 100% usable. A fun vintage/antique red item for the kitchen.


The cabinet is just set as usual, with a bit of red, and well the cookie tin with the snow scene is perfect for now!


Outside is pretty deep in snow. I'm glad I have the warm gold on the garage walls to look at, and who doesn't love a cranberry Red door!


My green plants are surviving despite a couple of weeks of no sun. Of course sun in winter means really COLD! Look at that fence...cemented in snow icing and the mounds on our line of garbage cans.


My little garden gnomes never got packed away, they just playing in the cupboard.


Gnomes are serious squatters, but they make me smile. Part of my heritage I guess.


The Danish Flag was my grandmother's and is real silk, so probably from the 1940's or earlier. Denmark has the oldest existing flag of any country dating back to 1625. An even older form has been traced back to the days of the Magna Carta in the 1000's 

Today: Special Congratulations to King Frederik X of Denmark as he takes the throne today.

His mother, Queen Margrethe abdicated in favor of her son after 52 years on the throne. 

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. The Danish Constitution (Grundlov), adopted in 1849, is one of the oldest Constitutions in the world. 


From our house to yours, I hope you are enjoying the January Lazies.


The Grand's Igloo, perfect for lazies and...
too much fun! 

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  1. Greetings from another cold place, Michigan. I don't think we have as much snow as you -- maybe five inches? But we're in the sub-zero zone. I'm styaing in, staying cozy! You do, too!

    1. Yeppers, you are really cold there too! Warm hugs, lol, Sandi

  2. Sandi, Although pretty, I don't envy you the white stuff, maybe just a little. Love the cake holder and the Grand Igloo. Stay warm and lazy Two of the best things to be..xxoJudy

    1. It's nice to be 'kept' in...a bit. We will see, the glorious sunshine from a coldwave is welcome though, too! Hugs, Sandi

  3. This is the first post that I have seen your homel I really enjoyed it. Here in Maine, we got a dusting of snow instead of the predicted storm. Not even enough to cover the dirty snow! I hope they are wrong about the freezing rain, too, as I have a dr.'s appt. tomorrow!. One good thing about being retired; I don't have to get out there early when the roads are still icy!


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!