Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Fun Night Walk at the Chicago Botanic Gardens Lightscape

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We've been members of the Botanic Gardens for quite a few years, but we haven't been able to ever attend their "Lightscape" that has grown over the years.

The Gardens are in Glencoe, just north of Chicago proper by a few miles. The property stradles the Edens Highway to Wisconsin. Once upon a time the road was old Hwy. 41 before the Interstate system. It has matured over the years and is definitely my favorite place to go in any season.

Described as a winding walk of 1.8 miles of lights, music and stunning vistas after dusk. I'm including a link to the Gardens description...it's not an advertisement as very few of my reader's are from this area. 


This was one of the first things we walked through---- a city block of stars...so pretty! 


These photos are from three different cameras and people. We all have a different way of looking at things. I was fascinated with the colored spots on the bare trees.


Here the lights from the tree are adequate for interesting lighting on my cohorts!


These are polyester covered lights you walked through...was very---Avatar like! And safe---the upside of this 'walk' was the amount of children in strollers and seniors in wheel chairs.


 Entire families were enjoying the entire thing...the temp was about 35...so not unbearable! Yea, that's me, acting like a 10-year old!


Still photos don't do this walkway justice, with pulsating music and a light show all the way along!


Huge trees with the super spots on them that faded from one color to the next!


These were huge and shimmered and changed slowly with colors to the music.

Everything from Opera, to Josh Groban, to Rock, Blues and even some Hip-hop...not to mention Carols, and kid's song---even Gene Autrey and Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer.


Many sections were sponsered by organizations or companies. This was Bright IDEA and all the trees were plugged in to light bulb type lighting.


The normally gorgeous lagoons were iced over with wonderful huge 'water lilies'...that morphed in all the colors of the rainbow! 


A huge field of lights pulsated with music, this was about a half a football field. 

  Gorgeous plaza display!


More Branches, this was some sort of willow and the long branches hung almost to the ground.

The Cathedral was amazing and was quite long, surrounded by trees! 

I think this was the most popular photo place! 


I loved our normal favorite Grape Arbor, covered in a woven pattern of rainbow lights! We got so many ideas for our own displays. Can't wait until next year!


There were tons of photo ops...but this is just two old duffers that made it through the over hour walk...now to trek a quarter mile to the car...LOL. Bundled up---but gosh I was sweating in all those clothes. 

Have Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to ALL!  I used this photo for our Christmas Card...so Enjoy!

Chicago Botanic Gardens Lightscape  Here is the Gardens info on the show...it's worth a peek just for fun! 

We will definitely be going again next year, or for as many years we can!

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I will be sharing at these fine Parties!

The photos in thisblog are my own or have permission to using them from family.
I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog 
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Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle



  1. This looks like such fun! What a treat. Merrest of Christmases to you, my friend, and onward to the new year!

    1. It was lovely and will be a must see on our list from now on!


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!