Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Midwest Gardening: No Bunnies in MY Kitchen

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No Bunnies in MY Kitchen?

Garden starts in the kitchen are progressing, everything is coming up green and Bunny Free.




Quick video tour of our kitchen garden THIS WEEK after planting veggies and flowers, three weeks ago.

I could update the sprouting plants everyday, they are growing so quickly. The plants I missed naming while taking the video were Nasturtiums, Holly Hocks, Bell Flowers, Basil, Dill and probably a couple of others. 

TIP: Note to self....seal popsicle sticks before using as ID tags. Like a good REDO'r I was using what I had at the time. I did find some new plastic sticks that I purchased end of season last year. I will have to replace a few of my popsicle sticks. 

Tomorrow's Next Post! 
After taking this video--I ventured to the greenhouse to do some cleanup and setting up pots for more planting tomorrow. I did get my Peas in the Pot set up, tomorrow to be two pots--PEAS are soaking along with more Nasturtiums. 

TIP: Soaking hard seeds helps with germination. Nasturtiums even have to be filed with a nail file to break through their hulls.

How are your 
Spring Gardens,
Plantings, or Plans Going?

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All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle



  1. I really want and need a Greenhouse. I've been talking to the Family about the prospects of building one out of our Architectural Salvage some day.

    1. Might even want to look at Facebook Marketplace for parts--doors...your problem would be shading it from your broiling sun. Perhaps cold frames next to your walled areas would be great for starting plants. Hugs, and more coming on the greenhouse! Sandi

  2. Sandi, Happy Spring! I honestly need to get started on my seeds. I keep putting it off, but you have inspired me. Thank you :) Have a great day!

  3. Well done, Sandi! I really admire your gardening commitment. I had to laugh about the popsicle stick markers -- I've made the same mistake!


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!