Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Midwest Gardening: No Bunnies in MY Kitchen

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No Bunnies in MY Kitchen?

Garden starts in the kitchen are progressing, everything is coming up green and Bunny Free.

Quick video tour of our kitchen garden three weeks after planting veggies and flowers.

I could update the sprouting plants everyday, they are growing so quickly. The plants I missed naming while taking the video were Nasturtiums, Holly Hocks, Bell Flowers, Basil, Dill and probably a couple of others. 

TIP: Note to self....seal popsicle sticks before using as ID tags. Like a good REDO'r I was using what I had at the time. I did find some new plastic sticks that I purchased end of season last year. I will have to replace a few of my popsicle sticks. 

Tomorrow's Next Post! 
After taking this video--I ventured to the greenhouse to do some cleanup and setting up pots for more planting tomorrow. I did get my Peas in the Pot set up, tomorrow to be two pots--PEAS are soaking along with more Nasturtiums. 

TIP: Soaking hard seeds helps with germination. Nasturtiums even have to be filed with a nail file to break through their hulls.

How are your 
Spring Gardens,
Plantings, or Plans Going?

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All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hull Alpine Yellow Ware on the Buffet

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I know it is trying to be Spring, and we just had 4" of snow last night. I still have a touch of winter and some fun YellowWare on my Buffet. 


After the holidays, I put this sort of wintery yet social grouping of beer steins, pitchers, blue glass and the wood German Draught Wagon together. 


Last computer update lost the little erase tool for my photos...ugh! So cords will be present. I love the old Silver plate pitcher. (I'll share the big vase in the corner sometime after I find out more information about it.)

The Six steins are YELLOW WARE...HULL from the 1920's. They are substantial and in pretty good shape for 100 years old.


The Hull Pitcher that matches is huge and gorgeous...
full relief of an Alpine Beerfest all around.

I accented this area with my porcelain mustard pot and a shaker in brass. You just know all those people on the steins are enjoying sausages and mustard with their Beer.


The steins have pewter tops, some are from the 70's and some from the 40's. I haven't found the wooden Draught Wagon with the little figures and mules...I know it's from Germany and probably from the 50-60's.


Behind the wagon is a wooden maid figure, dressed much like the people in the steins.


The cookie tin has an Alpine theme...and snow covered mountains.


The only break from the Alpine theme, are my Royal Copenhagen/Bing Grondahl Mama and cubs Polar Bears.  I think Polar Bears are my spirit animal, so I really like to keep her visible at least through our long winter.


To balance out this side are two glass candlesticks and a blue Vase. Another stein and another yellow ware HULL stein. The silver plate coffee pot I discovered earlier as an India version of a Sheffield teapot probably made for the military stationed in India.

Meanwhile Our lives have been consumed for 5-6 months with repairing, moving, fixing stuff for selling the executorship house. It is sold, and hopefully the closing will be by next week. All I can say about it, if you are 50 or over...UPDATE and clarify your wills, NOW!  Don't leave a disaster behind you, double check everything, and ask questions, have a good, NO, an EXCELLENT attorney taking care of it. 

Phew!... enough about that. I hope to get some home decorating done by next week, but in the meantime I am relishing in my artwork, maybe 3-4 hours a week. Now to post the Paintings and Plants...for my sanity sake.

Join me at these fine blog parties:

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mather Abstract Watercolor Class: Painting With Music

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Last week's class was very inspiring in my FREE Mather Abstract watercolor class for Seniors.

Mather Classes for Seniors can be explored HERE.

Ruth showed us several paintings by different artists. Many artists worked to music, Kandinsky, Chagall, etc.

Ruth played samples of instrumental music, this and that for us to paint to. Here are my results. These are quick pieces done to music under 5 or so minutes.


My palette is a mess....I'm trying to use what is there so I can give it a good clean up and a fresh start.  


I'm finally doing all my paintings and exercises on REAL Water Color Paper. Strathmore 140# in various types of paper from a sampler pack.  I may buy a few more when the Buy 1 get 1 sale is on at my local craft store. Good paper just takes the paint, the water, and the 'working over' better than the multi-media paper I use from my notebooks.

I'm also more confident from all the techniques I have learned. So, I just simply let myself go with the music prompts

The music was extremely varied....


Magic Walk, I couldn't find a copy of the music...but it was rhythmic and a bit bee-bop...if that helps. Very bright and fun. Definitely some ethnic vibes, Caribbean, Soul, and Street sounds. I started with the dark yellow and worked outward.


Clair de Lune.  I waited a bit before I started painting...when the orchestra really starts to swell and almost closing my eyes I started painting.
Below is link to YouTube Frankfurt Symphony Orchestra..
This is a very slow version. Lovely and elegant.


This piece was swoops of thick water tinted lines left to right to this music in the beginning...then each color was a theme section and carefully applied with the notes. Intentional yes, but strokes with the music's movement. Later in the piece when it repeated some element---I worked over the colors. 
 I think this is the piece..


Turned on its side. Most Music is repetitive or with variations upon a 'theme' or series of notes. The key may go higher or lower, the Color of Sounds or (colors changed when I painted during these), with the tempo of the notes also giving you inspiration (quick strokes closer together when they are speedy, wider when slower ). 

I really loved doing these.
I received a stack of classical CD's for Christmas and I think I may go through them and paint an abstract painting every week and see what I end up with. Besides this is totally relaxing and being lost in the process...

Thanks to my Mather Senior classes Painting is such a respite in this world of chaos! 

Free Mather Classes for Seniors can be explored HERE.

How are Your Projects 
or Artwork Coming Along? 

Tuesdays with a Twist

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mather Creative Mindfulness: A Building/shapes exercise

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Creative Mindfulness: Buildings & Shapes

The theme for our classes this month is Women Artist's for Women's History Month. Last weeks class artist was Mary Blair.

This is from my FREE Mather Classes for Seniors can be explored HERE.

Mary was an artist, designer, and illustrator and best known for the work she did with the Disney cooperation. You must all remember it's a Small World, my Mom in laws favorite thing of all time...well Mary Blair designed all of it for Walt Disney World. She started with Disney in 1940 and worked SO MANY of Disney favorites of our childhood: Fantasia, Dumbo, Ichabod and Mr. Toad, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp and MORE. 

Her style was stylized and contemporary...her personal works were mostly illustrations, always colorful and unique. 


Our handout gave information about Mary and a discussion of her approach to some building backdrops actually made for parts of Small World for Disnery. When I saw the buildings, I immediately thought of Nyhaven the iconic wharf area of Copehagen, Denmark that has for centuries has been a hub of commerce, fishing, and now a highly desirable, iconic neighborhood. 

I found a photo online...and I stylized it as boxes...and was going to take it a different route, 


...when I started to draw in windows and blocked out some line designs. So, it is halfway realistic, and still whimsical. 

I used my alcohol markers, sharpies, and some very quick movements. The whole thing was done in less than an hour. 

Lots of fun repeating the lines in the wharf and all those windows. The colors are more intense than reality, but not that different...! Denmark is colorful.

HUGS TO Brave, Strong and OPINIONATED Denmark 



The Dannebrog... representing Denmark since 1219...! 


Midwest Gardening: Garden Starts, Plants, Planters...wishing for Spring!

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It's trying hard to be Spring in Chicagoland, it was 70 yesterday, but will be below freezing tonight, it's already in the low 40's at 1pm. I hooked up the heater in the greenhouse as I have all my Dahlias, Potato Vines, and miscellaneous summer bulbs started in there. Hopefully since it was sunny today, it will hold. I will put it on high tonight.

I haven't posted much about our home, mostly because it has been full of bags of donations, shipments of 'stuff', and barely put away Christmas, and well---PLANTS, lots of PLANTS.

In the Kitchen...I began the garden starts last week, March 5-10, actually and entire month late. But, that is another story.  

Check out THIS POST it's a great blow by blow of the entire process from the past! YIKES I'm behind this year.

Anyway I had to move plants everywhere ELSE! To the Bedroom with four...


I have a different piece of furniture here now...but I'm double protecting it...from the water from these plants.....


And these. Hard to take photos with bright light outside, The hanging spiders have been quite happy in here with an air purifier and a humidifier running full tilt all winter. The only plant not happy is my Rex Begonia..which I think got overwatered...they are touchy but gorgeous.

Back to the Living room and PLANTS!


The biggest plant was this darn IVY TREE...which I love and hate...each time we transplant it, it becomes HEAVIER. LOL. It's very happy in the living room windows.
I also moved three Mandilla into the living room and  more plants into my bedroom. It's pretty much plant heaven in our house right now. Oh, another one is in the bathroom...very happy there.


Chaos and Plant Central: The upright box is one of the big garden planters 3'x8'x 2' high (above bunny munching) for the vegetable garden, the other is opened on the floor---a million pieces of metal...that should be lots of fun. 

(Each year from now on we will build or order raised containers for the garden.) We are getting too old to be lifting and bending over so much, and container gardening will be more compact, also less tilling for my hubby. At 78 the tiller basically drags him around. 

Wood will be very pricey with the Canada Trade wars...and tariffs, so we opted early to purchase these metal ones at a steal. They are 50$$ $more now then early February.


Middle pot: I purchased a lovely lime Philodendron to put in the bottom of the pot with the Dracenas. It will be on the front porch this summer under the eaves, maybe the end of April or May.


This  LIMEY should look great in that old antique pot with the Dracena spikes.


The climbing Mandilla on the left is growing so many new shoots, it's going everywhere. I had fertilized everything the end of February and the plants are now kicking into high gear.

Our kitchen is perfect for starting plants, two huge windows facing South and East. Problem was I had so many plants wintering over in the house.

March 5-10 I  planted a bunch of flower and vegetable seeds. When they begin to sprout, the tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and flowers, I will keep you up to date on how everything is doing.


It takes a lot of room to do starts. Hopefully I can fill the greenhouse with the rest, if the temps would moderate a bit more. It's been pleasant in the 80's in the greenhouse, I actually turned the fan on yesterday.

Later this week, I would love to start Peas, and the lettuce/radish/onion pots for the railings so we can have fresh veggies---as soon as possible in the greenhouse. By April we should be able to put carrots, beets, broccoli, and Kohlrabi into the ground, they are all cool weather plants. 
Since critters ate my zucchini, beans, cantalope, spinach, brocolli, and all my sunflowers last year...I'll be starting those in the greenhouse and move when they are BIG into the gardens. (Another reason for raised planters).

LEFT:  I moved my two rosemary plants into one big ugly pot. It's been okay this winter...and will definitely be happier outside when it is warmer. I'm going to have to replace many pots this next year. 
REDO:  I will garage sale for some.

The wooden spoons on the covers are holding them down for they were a bit warped. I use big baking trays under some of my starters. I have two layers of plastic covering the surface of my cabinet, which has worked in the past.


First thing up planted on March 5 was COSMOS. YAY! But this means I'll have to transplant them to bigger containers later. UGH.

The South window has these shelves set up. IF all goes to plan, everything will be in the greenhouse before Easter, so we can eat (10 or so) at the table.


These are Birthday flowers  (the roses were done)  my from February. I actually love the spicy scent of carnations...so nice to have something blooming now. Of course the roses are drying straight in the hall wall for use some other time.

graphics fairy

I Can't wait for flowers like these!

How are Your 

Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

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All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle
