Saturday, September 2, 2023

Friday Fabulous Photos and Memories #2

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Week Number Two...digging in my old files.

Way back when, maybe three computers ago...Word had this great AP for fooling around with photos. I so miss it.  

    Anyway, my husband's family is from east of Green Bay, Wi. One trip home years ago pre-2009,  I went with my Mom-in-Law to track down some family geneology information with her distant cousin. Her home was really out in the middle of NOWHERE, Wisconsin. But, there were these magnificent Hollyhocks growing on the side of the family's very old clapboard farm cottage.


I actually don't have the original photo anymore---that was probably lost in the computer switches. I had kept these 3 alterations as documents, which then survived the many system changes.

The above was a straight water color Ap and I remember lightening the entire photo as the siding was grayed with age.


I really liked playing with textures that were available on that  AP,  everything here looks like stucco.

Playing with more of the choices, here is a tinted watercolor version...which would go with my decor then. I never did do prints...but these are so charming, I probably should do at least one, now.

The Memory is one of a lovely summer's day...a wonderful conversation, coffee with an elderly family member, and a great day with my Mom-in-Law, whom we all miss and these gorgeous Hollyhocks.

I also miss the free-tweaking Word AP with all kinds of bells and whistles that once came with my old computer  system, which at that time was free with Apple/Macs.
Ha, free software---those were the good-old days!

Do have a beautiful weekend full of 
Family, Flowers, and making Memories.

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Thanks always for visiting. 
I will try and respond to every comment and answer every question.

I will be sharing at these fine Parties!

All the opinions and photographs in this blog are my own, I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions, posts or any products shown. Please do not use photos without linking back to this blog without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandi Magle



  1. Oh Sandi, what a wonderful memory. And those hollyhocks. I love hollyhocks and have always had a terrible time growing them. I like the various techniques you used as well. It's fun to play with those different filters, isn't it? What a lovely post with which to start my day.

    1. Oh, Jeanie, I do too love the Hollyhocks, ours got trashed this year with construction, but I have lots of babies growing for next year. That was such a fun and easy ap...I really miss it! Thanks for visiting! Hugs, Sandi

  2. Sandi Dear,
    I also enjoy myself so much playing with photographs and images, yours are truly lovely!
    I hug you wholeheartedly
    X Daniela @ ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

    1. Oh, Hi, nice to hear from blogging time has been hit and miss this summer. Hope you are well, thanks for visiting! Sandi

  3. Love these photos and memories posts. I've recently been going through old family photos, and it's amazing the recollections that 're-surface'. It's a lovely photo, too - with some great effects from the app you used. The third version looks just like a painting - you definitely should print it off and have it on display. Would look great as a backdrop for some chintzy floral cups and saucers! xx

    1. Thanks, Dorrit...I really think I will do a print. We have to paint the living room this fall so it will be a good excuse for something OldNEW and Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you blog a bit more too! There are too few of us not selling stuff, and sharing real 'life'. Hugs, Sandi

  4. Oh, those hollyhocks are beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thanks for visiting, they are my favorite! Sandi

  5. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Rest assured, I will find places for everything I bought and if not, it will be given as gifts or I will use what I bought to add to baskets for one of our church basket raffles....Your hollyhocks are stunning!! I tried growing them a long time ago but they just did not take..

  6. What a wonderful memory. I love what you did with your photos on that AP.
    Visiting today from Unlimited Linky 128 #9&10

  7. Hollyhocks are so beautiful. What a lovely memory for you.


Thank you for any and all comments. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments in replies or email! HUGS!